Yes, I'm seeing things much the same way. I too have a filling that needs seeing to... but have been putting it off for months now, purely because I simply CAN NOT TOLERATE the demeaning covid theatre rituals! https://johnbotica.substack.com/p/my-day-at-the-doctors?r=tz7cx&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Don't suffer! Make your thoughts known though. We must keep chipping away at stupidity.

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Yes absolutely! We can't be making it easy for them! I make this clear in this piece...


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"technology is now ready to “set upon” humanity like a wolf".

... after having first turned people into sheep.

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Yes, indeed.

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Tannis root is called Pfizer root now.

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Yes, very true. It really is strange.

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Reading Mattias Desmet’s book now. It’s reduced my anger at the mindlessly compliant. But strengthened the resolve to keep throwing sand into the gears of the machine. We can wake up the totalitarized minds one at a time.

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I learn new words every time I read your pieces😉

I also think similar things while going about the day and people are still strictly adhering to the rules. But only while your in the room lol.

Sense-less-ness in common they have, gaslit they are.

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Thanks Craig, we are all learning all the time! Especially me! I agree that it is annoying how so much of this is about appearances. I am very angry about medics who must know they are performing a lie though.

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